Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sorry for the delay in updating. It has been a crazy month so far. Pierce made it through surgery like a champ and was back on his CPAP machine in no time at all. The day after surgery he had his first poopy diaper. I was so thrilled and excited all over poop! After a week we started seeing abdominal swelling and it had me freaked out. They looked at his tummy and everything looked good from the scan so they stopped feeds and put him back on TPN. The swelling went down and they restarted feeds slower and he did wonderful. Turns out they had started the feeds too fast and Pierce did not like that. Pierce went back on the vent due to another lung infection on January 14th. He finally came back off the vent and onto CPAP of 5 today. He is starting to grow much better now. As of this afternoon he is 6lbs7oz! Before he comes home he will have one more surgery. He will get his g or j tube. They are debating over which one to put in. I am thinking it will end up being a g tube.

Lincoln has been doing great at home. His reflux is finally tolerable most of the time. He pukes on his sisters every once in awhile which grosses them out but they love having their little brother home. He rolled over for the first time last week and has done it several times since. We have a visit on tuesday with the plumonologist. Hopefully he will only need O2 at night. He has been doing very well during the day and especially this weekend. Last night the cat chewed the cannula and somehow made a hole in it. I didnt realize it until his sats dropped but they never got terribly low. He has been on 1/2L during the day and 1L at night. I cant wait to have a wire free baby and hope it is before Pierce comes home.

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