Friday, October 26, 2007

Lincoln is home

We brought Lincoln home today. It is so overwhelming. We are so happy to have him home, however we had to leave Pierce in the NICU. He will still be there awhile longer. Lincoln is home on O2, an apnea monitor and a pulse ox. The girls are in love with him being home and so far are being a big help and not fighting on whose turn it is to bring mommy the diaper or the bottle.

Pierce still has many issues. We will start feeds again on Monday and hope he does well. He is on decadron and weaning off the jet but the likelyhood of him staying off it after steroids is not good. He has severe BPD and it is not improving much. It looks like NEC is finally gone, so we will see if that improves things.

I promise an update later once things at home settle down some


Judith and Jason said...

What wonderful news and bittersweet at the same time! Congrats! Little by little the family will be complete and safe at home!

Big Ali said...

Congarts on Lincoln. I don't know what it would have felt like to only bring home one baby with the other not coming home for so long. Our prayers are with you and Pierce

Cora said...

Congrat on the big home coming. I can't imagine how hard it will be having a "new" baby at home, and one still so sick in the hospital. We'll keep you all in our thoughts & prayers.

Jill said...

wonderful news! I am so glad the big sisters are helping out. Prayers are with Pierce as he continues to grow and heal.