Thursday, January 3, 2008

Reconnection surgery

Well Pierce is currently in surgery to reconnect his bowels. Its been 5 months since his first surgery when we found out he had NEC, where they did the ostomy. He is finally ready to be all reconnected. When he went into surgery I just cried, I am so worried for him. He is back on a ventilator for the procedure. I just hope the outcome of this operation comes out well. He has been doing so well, finally hit 5lbs and was on a CPAP of 5. This is the little boy they said would need a trach because he spent 19 weeks on some sort of ventilation. He is an amazing little boy. Once this operation is over with he has one more before his homecoming which still is unknown at this point in time


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is . A hug.

Michelle G. said...

If you have time for an update on little Pierce, I'd love to hear how he's doing. I've checked your blog and prayed for your little guys several times. I hope they're both doing well. Michellyn from's Parenting Multiples forum

Amanda said...

I have also been following your blog through another friends blog connection- I would love to hear an update too. I have been praying for your boys and I hope that his surgery went well...

Anonymous said...

Hi Aimee,
I was just stopping by to see how things were going for you and your little ones. I'm please to hear that Pierce was finally up to having the reconnection surgery, I hope it went well and that you're preparing to come home.

Thinking of you guys,
Bec - Erin's mum (from MDC)