Friday, August 17, 2007

We are making Progress

We got good news last night and I wanted to share with ya'll. Pierce's belly is looking better. Its still swollen but doesnt look as bad. It looked like he had a huge bowling ball inside him and now the swelling is so much better. They are keeping him sedated for awhile longer so he is more comfortable. Its slow but he is improving. Lincoln is getting so much better. As of this morning he is back on the conventional vent! And I get to hold him in a little bit for the first time! He is up to 2lbs 3oz of real weight. He was heavier but has lost the water weight so he is growing so well. Pierce is still real tiny at 1lb 6oz but he is making progress. He has gained 2oz in 3 weeks but it took him a long time to reach his birthweight.

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