On July 25th 2007 we introduced our twin miracle boys.
Pierce Kent was born first weighing 1lb4oz and 11" long. Lincoln Cole was born several hours later weighing 1lb14oz and 12.5" long.
Here is there birth story I had typed out
he twins were born July 25th 2007. I was 26w5d pregnant.I had been contracting off and on since 20 weeks so holding onto the boys for 6 weeks and 5 days was a good accomplishment. We are incredibly sad that the boys just couldnt wait and we have a relatively long NICU stay ahead of us. Starting Sunday night contractions got really bad, coming really close together and lasting longer than they had been. Some were more intense than others and I was very uncomfortable. I wanted the meds to work so bad even though they made me feel like crap. Tuesday night I knew it wouldnt be much longer until the first was born. The contractions were unbearable and there was alot of pressure on my cervix. I called the nurse in because I was so uncomfortable and I was dialated completely and was told not to push. That was hard because I felt the urge to push. At that point I just wanted to make it one more day. I was doing ok, the contractions seemed to ease up a bit and I thought the little guy was playing tricks on me. I fell asleep kinda since I was so exhausted and woke up around 4:30 with more intense contractions. I woke my husband up and my mom who were in the room. The girls were also there and they woke up. I felt down and I told hubby to look down there and the baby was crowning. They got the nurses, drs, and the NICU staff down. Pierce Kent was born at 4:59 AM weighing 1lb 4oz and 11" long. And then everything seemed to stop. No more contractions. I went back to sleep for hours until the contractions started again. Around 6pm the contractions got regular again and I knew the other little guy was coming. I was hoping that he would hold off maybe just one more day but he wouldnt. He was too anxious to make his appearance. I tried to hold him in but that didnt happen and at 8:15pm Lincoln Cole was born weighing 1lb 14oz and 12.5" long.
So far it has been a rocky start. They are a week old now. Both boys had a PDA, Lincoln's has closed but Pierce's still has not and it has caused some problems with desats and bradys.
So far he has done as well as can be expected. He has had 2 blood transfusions and has remained on the ventilator. At first his blood gases were horrible but they have been much better today. He has lost some weight but is getting my milk now. All the pumping is paying off. He is on 1cc every 3 hours. Not much but its something.
So far Pierce has had the toughest time. He has lost alot of weight, but is also getting my milk 0.1mL per hour. He is on this special ventilator called an oscillator, and sedated. The settings have gone up today which is hard to handle. His PDA is still open but we are going to do another round of the meds to see if it will close. He has had 3 blood transfusions so far.
The big sisters Madison and Kennedy havent been up to see the boys yet, however we are planning a trip for them to meet their brothers. They were both thrilled to be big sisters but sad they came so early.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
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