Sunday, September 9, 2007

its been quite the weekend!

Friday we had an ER trip with the oldest daughter, she had emergency surgery to take her appendix out but is at the same hospital as the boys and I havent been home since friday.

Lincoln is growing so well. He is up to 3lbs 1 oz and starting to hold his temp better. He oxygenates well but still has not mastered CPAP. One of these days he will. He is only requiring 25-30%O2 and is on low settings, he takes most of his breaths on his own but does get tired and lets the vent work too. Hopefully soon he will be on CPAP.

Pierce is still having problems with his potassium, however his kidneys are working which is the weird thing. They have been giving him potassium so that might be helping and his levels seem to be improving. His little belly looks a little better today however the initiating of feeds is still not known because everything has to check out ok before trying it again. His pH has improved and everything looks normal except his potassium.

Thats all for now


23wktwinsmommy said...

Hi, I just found your blog. Your little ones are in my prayers...we have been down this road as well with our b/g twins born at 23 weeks and 5 days gestation. Please feel free to email me or contact me via blog with any questions. I'll be praying for Pierce and lincoln!

Emily said...

If he's receiving a lot of lasix to help his lungs this often times causes the electrolytes (potassium, chloride, and sodium) to drop which is why they in turn typically give additional potassium while they're on diuretics.