Sunday, September 23, 2007

Its been awhile

Wow its been a long while since an update on the boys! There really hasnt been much to report on them. Both of them have been really boring these days.

Lincoln is 3lbs 5oz and 14" long. He is off TPN gets 25cc every 3 hours, finally weaned of the ventilator and is doing well on CPAP.

Pierce is 2lbs 4oz 12.5" long and finally tolerating feeds. He is up to 1cc every hour. Still on the vent but getting better at it.

Not much going on here.

Until next time


Jill said...

sounds like they are doing really well right now! Keep up the nice progress boys! Hope you are doing alright, Aimee! ~Jill

Shannon said...

Well better to be boring than having to report problems!!! So glad to hear things are moving along!